Collection: Alchemized Nature

Alchemized Nature creates timeless adornments from Mother Nature’s gifts. Our jewelry carries the beauty of the natural world and awakens our innate desire for connection to the Earth, while adding an eternal fifth stage to the butterfly life cycle.

Alchemized Nature's top priority is making certain each element of nature/material used is ethically and regeneratively sourced. 

“We source many of our butterflies from sanctuaries where they live their full and natural lives. When we purchase the wings the profits go back to the sanctuary. This funding allows the sanctuary to fight extinction by releasing thousands of butterflies back into their natural habitat, ensuring the butterfly life cycle for generations to come. This in turn protects native forests and the flora and fauna that inhabits them. When you purchase from us you are ensuring our 4 winged friend's future and fighting native forest destruction!

Other butterflies I work with come in the form of gifts from Mother Nature. I find butterflies that have naturally passed in my garden, in local nature preserves or have been found by dear friends. Creating with these gifts will always have a special place in my heart, as that is how Alchemized Nature's butterfly designs came to be.”

-Casey Prienitz